State Bank Of India (SBI), India’s largest bank, asked SBI Account holders to Switch to EMV chip based ATM /Debit cards from magstripe ATM/debit by the end of 2018. SBI will issue new EMV chip based ATM /Debit Cards to it’s customers free of cost.
“As per the RBI guidelines, you are required to change your Magstripe Debit Cards to EMV Chip Debit Cards”. SBI also asked customers to replace the old Magstripe ATM/Debit through various channels like Home Branch, SBI Internet Banking Account, YONO App etc as early as possible.
SBI Account holders can apply for the new EMV chip based ATM card through your Home branch or by using Online SBI Internet Banking Account.
[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ heading_title=” ” color_title=”What are the Advantages of EMV chip based ATM /Debit Card” heading_style=”2″ heading_size=”25″ heading_align=”center” heading_divider=”on” heading_font_style=”normal” heading_color=”#2CA8FF”] [/cs_heading]EMV Chip technology is the latest global standard for Debit Card payments. EMV chip card protects against counterfeit (skimming) card fraud. EMV chip card and PIN protects against both counterfeit (skimming) and lost and stolen card fraud.
This technology features Debit Cards with embedded microprocessor chip that store and protect cardholder data.This is a much secure technology as compared to Magstripe variants of Card.
[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ heading_title=” ” color_title=”How to check Whether my ATM card is EMV chip based ATM Card or Magstripe Card?” heading_style=”3″ heading_size=”25″ heading_align=”center” heading_divider=”on” heading_font_style=”normal” heading_color=”#2CA8FF”] [/cs_heading]
You can easily check and Identify whether your SBI ATM /Debit Card is an EMV chip based ATM Card or Magstripe Card by following below check.
Open the card and see Whether there is a Chip located on the Face of the ATM Card (See the marked area in the screen-shot below)
Image Source: Twitter (@TheOfficialSBI)
If your Card is a ‘Magstripe Card’ with no chips, you need to replace it before the end of 2018.
[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ heading_title=” ” color_title=”What are the charges associated with the Conversion of Magstripe Card to EMV chip based ATM Card ?” heading_style=”3″ heading_size=”25″ heading_align=”center” heading_divider=”on” heading_font_style=”normal” heading_color=”#2CA8FF”] [/cs_heading]
According to SBI, The conversion process of Magstripe Card to EMV chip based ATM Card is absolutely free of cost ( No charges). You can apply for the new EMV chip based ATM Card through your home branch or via online SBI Internet Banking Account.
If any SBI branch is asking payment for the replacement of the Magstripe Card, you can register a complaint in the 24*7 SBI Customer care numbers below.
SBI Help Line Numbers:
[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ heading_title=” ” color_title=”Should I block the Magstripe Card before applying EMV chip based ATM Card ?” heading_style=”3″ heading_size=”25″ heading_align=”center” heading_divider=”on” heading_font_style=”normal” heading_color=”#2CA8FF”] [/cs_heading]No, you don’t have to block the Magstripe Card before applying EMV chip based ATM Card because once the new EMV chip based ATM Card application is processed, SBI will block the Old card automatically before delivering the new ATM card.
It may take around two weeks to get the new ATM card once the application is submitted.
If you want to Block your SBI ATM Card, then find the Step-by-step procedure:
How to Block SBI ATM Card using Online, SMS, Offline
[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ heading_title=” ” color_title=”How can I apply for the replacement of my Magstripe Debit Card ?” heading_style=”3″ heading_size=”25″ heading_align=”center” heading_divider=”on” heading_font_style=”normal” heading_color=”#2CA8FF”] [/cs_heading]
You can apply for the new EMV chip based ATM Card through your Home Branch, Online SBI Internet Banking Account or through YONO App.
Watch the Video Tutorial:
[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ heading_title=” ” color_title=”What are the steps to be taken before applying for the new EMV chip ATM Card?” heading_style=”3″ heading_size=”25″ heading_align=”center” heading_divider=”on” heading_font_style=”normal” heading_color=”#2CA8FF”] [/cs_heading]
Before applying for the new EMV ATM Card, make sure that your address and Phone Number with SBI is correct as SBI will send the new ATM card to the registered address and the Shipment tracking code to the SBI registered Mobile Number.
If you have not registered your Mobile Number with SBI, then you can register or Change SBI Mobile Number through Online and ATM.
[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ heading_title=” ” color_title=”Can I block the Magstripe Card temporarily ?” heading_style=”3″ heading_size=”25″ heading_align=”center” heading_divider=”on” heading_font_style=”normal” heading_color=”#2CA8FF”] [/cs_heading]No, According to SBI, you cannot block your old Magstripe ATM Card temporarily. All ATM cards in a blocked state before 28th February 2017, and all blocking request after that will be blocked permanently.
That is: You cannot use your old Magstripe ATM Card, if it is blocked temporarily on or after 28th February 2017.
You need to apply for the new EMV chip based ATM Card immediately through your home branch or through SBI Online account.
If you need any help, chat with us or post your questions as comment below.
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